Xampp Control Panel V3.0.12


  1. Xampp control panel v3.0.12 free download. Its music is even better: near the picture of a adds to the atmosphere of. United Fred is solely an needed at least one Star ways they talk about on post it on the web.
  2. Xampp control panel v3.0.12 free download. Xampp control panel v3.0.12 free download. Details Main menu.

I had an installed version of 7.2.0 and then installed version xampp-win32-5.6.32-0-VC11-installer on another folder. Xampp control panel v3.2.2; xampp 32bit for.

Hi all I am using xampp v3.2.1 in windows 7. I want to start it automatically as windows start, but not able to do it.


I tried the solution provided here but not find anything in services.


I have installed xampp in D drive is this the reason why apache and mysql is not showed in services when open the services.msc from run.

I have tried it from the xampp control panel from the config button I check the checkbox to autostart but it start the services when I start the xampp control panel, not when system start.

So how can I do this, is there any way to do this. Please let me know.

And I also want to do the same thing in windows server 2008 however right now it is installed it in the ** C Drive** of the server but i want to install it on the D drive on server also.

Xampp Control Panel V3.0.12

2 Answers

I'm also using xampp v.3.2.1 with windows 7. I have installed it on my C drive and I can see Apache and mysql in services.msc and both appear with auto start, maybe you should try to install in C drive.

Look at this response, It can be helpful to you: How to start Apache and MySQL Automatically when Windows 8 comes up


Start the control panel using 'Run as administrator', then you can install apache, Mysql as a service.

Rohit BandooniRohit Bandooni

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How To Configure Xampp Control Panel V3.2.1

XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Solaris. The package includes the Apache web server, MySQL, PHP, Perl, a FTP server and phpMyAdmin. Creative prodikeys dm driver windows 7 64 bit.

XAMPP has been designed to be the easiest way to install and run a development server. There are numerous other WAMP packages available, but XAMPP is one of the most complete on offer. In addition to Apache, MySQL, and PHP, XAMPP includes other really useful tools such as the phpMyAdmin database administration tool, FileZilla FTP server, Mercury mail server, Perl programming language, and JSP server Tomcat.

In the XAMPP control panel you can configure the above services with ease. XAMPP can also install an administration site as the home page of the server. From which you can undertake all manner of administrative tasks, such as checking the server status and security, launch tools like phpMyAdmin and Webalizer analytics. You can also view PHP demos which can be of use for those developers who are just starting out.

Install Xampp Control Panel Start

Overall, XAMPP is a great tool for anyone looking to get a full development server up and running within quick time constraints. The only issue that we can see, is that because it is so easy to setup, it doesn't have the security features for this to be used as a production server. However, if you really need to make the server Web accessible, then you can do so, albeit against the advice of the Apache Friends development team.

This entry was posted on 22.07.2019.